Table of Contents

These documents are generated from GitHub as a live website describing various aspects of the ABCD-BIDS community collection (ABCC).

  1. Table of Contents

    A description of the ABCD-BIDS Community Collection (ABCC) readthedocs pages.

  2. Release Notes

    A document describing the overarching goals and summary of collection 3165 along with a list of the data releases as they are published on the NDA.

  3. Inputs

    A reference for the curated BIDS anatomical, functional, and field map input data. This reference describes how the data were selected and prepared for processing.

  4. Pipelines

    A description of the ABCD-BIDS, abcd-bids-fmri, fMRIprep, QSIprep pipelines used on the input data to create the derivative data.

  5. Derivatives

    A reference for the anatomical, functional, and executive summary derivative data.

  6. Post Pipeline

    A description of subsequent scripts ran on the processing derivatives to produce additional derivatives.

  7. Recommendations

    Recommended software, methods, and procedures for downloading and analyzing the data.

  8. Useful Links

    Links found throughout the documents collected into one page.